Terms and condtions taxi

On all our services our terms and conditions apply. These were drawn up in consultation with the consumer watchdog
On all our services our terms and conditions apply. These were drawn up in consultation with the consumer watchdog
ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITION In these Terms and Conditions for Taxi purposes: Taxi transport: all passenger car as agreed referred to in Section 1f. the Passenger Transport Act 2000, the fare in advance is agreed or is determined by handling of the taximeter. It Transport also includes boarding and disembarking. Transport agreement: the signed between Passenger / Client and Carrier agreement to perform taxi. Taxi rank: a part of the road open to public traffic which by the road authority has been designated as parking for taxis. Car: motor vehicle as defined in Section 1f. of the law 2000 Passenger. Passenger: the person being transported by Carrier. Client: the natural or legal person who Carriage enters with Carrier. Mission: a mission of an individual to. Carrier waiting at a taxi rank travelers; b. any other order of a Passenger / Client to Carrier. Carrier: the natural person or legal entity, its Director (s) of the car (s), including those, which undertakes persons to transport by car. Driver: driver of the car that taxi transport is conducted (The taxi driver) in the service of Carrier including other Directors of the car, which are not employed by carrier but serve in his assignment in means of transport of Carrier or a means of transport to Carrier is available. Hand luggage: luggage that a traveler is easy to carry along, portable or mobile, by itself, including includes living animals, as well as other objects that by the Carrier be admitted as hand luggage. Taximeter: device in the car that the fare in accordance with the indicating expressed tariffs. The Taximeter must visible to be present. ARTICLE 2 - APPLICATION TERMS These Terms apply to all Transport Agreements and form the basis for the treatment of disputes by the Geschillencommissie Taxi transport, as provided for in Article 14 of these general conditions. ARTICLE 3 - FORMATION TRANSPORT AGREEMENT 1. A Transport agreement is established by acceptance by the passenger of the range of Carrier. 2. If there is a contract under Article 1 paragraph 7a., Then Carrier obliged to accept this assignment, subject to Article 4 paragraph 1. 3. Carrier's obligations, including Article 7, also apply across the traveler who is not acting as the Client. ARTICLE 4 - CANCELLATION AND TERMINATION TRANSPORT AGREEMENT 1. Carrier may immediately cease to continue driving and thus terminate Transport agreement, if the traveler cause of such hindrance it can not be required by the Carrier reasonably he Voyager (Further) convey. Carrier may then order the Passenger Vehicle immediately leave. 2. Carrier is, in a case such as that described in paragraph 1, not only the traveler held compensation for damages. 3. In the case of premature termination, Passenger, where the fare is made via the Taximeter, the amount invoiced on the taxameter at the time of completion of the journey. Where before the ride is a fare agreed, Voyager is a proportional part of the agreed price due as compensation for the part of the journey already driven. 4. Passenger / Client may waive before the trip ordered by Carrier. In such a case, the Traveler / Client is bound to a compensation for reasonable and fair to the Carrier when there is demonstrable damage. This also applies if the traveler does not appear on the the Carrier rendezvous. 5. If Carrier ordered at a drive does not appear as agreed, has Reiziger with demonstrable damages entitled to a reasonable and fair based compensation. ARTICLE 5 - OBLIGATIONS AND POWERS TRAVELER 1. Passenger shall: a. by Carrier reasonably given directions or instructions to follow, such as sit on the seat indicated by Carrier; b. the belt to do prior to the ride. A fine resulting from not complying with this obligation by the Traveler can this be recovered. 2. Passenger shall be obliged to abstain in the Car: A. Damage and / or contamination of the car; b. the use of alcoholic beverages, except with express consent of Carrier; c. entraining and / or use of drugs; d. the use of tobacco; e. aggression, committing pawing, harassing, threatening, or are in any other way unduly worn towards Carrier and of others; f. it in any way interfere with the Carrier in the performance of his task. 3. Passenger shall be held either the previously agreed price, either by the Taximeter pay certain fare. 4. When before or during the ride conditions on the side of Carrier itself gain, or come to the front, which Traveler at the conclusion of the contract is not needed to know, but which, if they have been known to him, had provided reasonable grounds for him Carriage Agreement or go to other conditions, Passenger authorized the agreement to say. The cancellation is effected by a oral or written notice of the traveler and the contract ends at the time of receipt by the carrier. Standards of reasonableness and fairness parties after termination of the Contract of Carriage each requires therefore suffered any damage. 5. Passenger shall be authorized to change the destination of the journey; this with Subject to the provisions of paragraph 3. 6. If Passenger chooses himself to open the door, this required the door To open such a manner that no disturbance and / or danger to the traffic. ARTICLE 6 - PAYMENT 1. Execution on the basis of the Transport agreement is made on the basis of the law 2000 Passenger established and properly published tariffs, as determined by the taximeter or in which the fare beforehand is similar come. 2. Payment by Passenger / Client to Carrier should cash in with a Netherlands generally accepted method of payment to be made, while general recognized forms of electronic payments included, unless otherwise agreed. 3. Carrier may encourage by Passenger / Client, cash payments exact amount to be paid. Carrier is not held amount of coins as to take payment, if the counting thereof a causing disproportionate delay. 4. a. If the consumer pays, is unable to meet its payment (s) this after he was delivered by the entrepreneur on the late payment and the entrepreneur consumer has given a deadline of 14 days so to comply with its payment obligations, after the expiry of This 14-day limit on the amount due legal interest and the traders of the right incurred by him bring extrajudicial collection costs. This one collection costs exceed 15% of outstanding amounts to € 2500 - 10% over the next € 2.500, - and 5% on the next € 5000, - with a minimum of € 40, -. The entrepreneur can benefit from consumers differ from these amounts and percentages. b. Insofar Passenger / Client acting in pursuit of a profession or business makes Carrier claim compensation from the out of court (collection) costs, which costs in such a case, in deviation Article 6:96 paragraph 4 Civil Code and notwithstanding the Decree fee extrajudicial costs are set at an amount equal 15% of the total outstanding principal amount with a minimum of € 75, - for every partially or fully unpaid bill. 5. The parties are entitled to settle mutual claims. ARTICLE 7 - OBLIGATIONS AND POWERS CARRIER 1. Carrier is obliged Passenger, and carried him by Hand Luggage carefully and safely transported. 2. Carrier is required to bring the traveler to the destination according to the pre- Voyager favorable way: either through the fastest or the most economically advantageous route, unless the traveler or the emergency room / center specifically requests or instructs to drive along a different route. 3. Carrier is obligated Voyager to assist getting in and out as well loading and unloading of hand baggage, unless impossible for (traffic) technical reasons is impossible. 4. Carrier is the use of the Taximeter requires the position of the at Taximeter end run as long before the trip that the Voyager is reasonable stand at the set height has been able to. 5. Carrier is obliged, as required by Article 1c of Regulation maximum rate and disclosure taxi fares, the Voyager a proof of payment to provide that at least there prescribed information stand as the fare, while applied rates, driving distance, name, address and license number of the company vehicle registration number, date and Beginen end time of the ride. 6. Carrier is obliged carefully to the personal data, obtained in connection with the booking of trips or otherwise. processed carrier this information under the Data Protection Act .. 7. If the Carrier transport wholly or partially cease, says the Voyager as he soon as possible of the stakes and, if possible, the reasons, the by him to take measures and the possible duration. ARTICLE 8 - HAND LUGGAGE 1. Passenger Hand luggage is required to be packaged are valid. 2. Carrier has the right to transport hand baggage which are difficult by nature, dangerous or prohibited or may be, or may cause damage or pollution refuse. Such a situation occurs in any case, if the hand baggage is composed of: A. Firearms, impact and / or piercing weapons; b. explosive substances; c. compressed gases in the tanks; d. spontaneously combustible or highly flammable substances; e. strong or bad-smelling substances; f. drugs; g. ammunition. 3. Carrier is obliged to use reasonable care to ensure that hand baggage of Voyager is not lost or damaged. ARTICLE 9 - TRANSPORT OF ANIMALS 1. Live animals must, except as in the following paragraph of this Article determined, in easily portable basket, bag or a similar object which can to be put down or held on the lap. dogs allowed however, also be transported in other ways, provided that a short lead. 2. The animals may not be taken as referred to in the first paragraph, if this in any way for Passenger or the driver is difficult or can be objectionable or suffering from a serious illness. 3. Guide dogs, such as seeing-eye dogs should under all circumstances be be taken into account. If a driver is allergic, he / she must within 15 minutes to provide a replacement vehicle. ARTICLE 10 - FOUND OBJECTS applies to lost property, taking into account the general legislation (Article 5 t / m 12 of Book 5 of the Civil Code) regarding the notification and reporting obligation and giving and taking into custody the following: 1. Passenger is required as soon as possible notify Carrier to make a he found object or sum of money. Carrier is authorized to issue evidence found thus an object or sum of money to take into custody. If the finder keeps lost property or sum of money, he is obliged what do some reasonably be demanded him to the owner or loser to find. 2. Carrier shall be authorized by the Director found or found by another and given to him after three months or object, if the object is not for custody is appropriate, before that, as far as not costly Affairs. 3. Carrier is required a detected object, the yield of an under member 2 sold object or the amount of money found on the entitled to release if it is within one year of notification of loss sign. If the person entitled, the found article or the yield of the selling their demands, the custody may pay the Carrier him charge administration costs. ARTICLE 11 - FORCE 1. A shortcoming can not be attributed Carrier when not to due to his fault or if not under the law, legal act or in the generally accepted accounted for (force majeure). As the Carrier does not fulfill its obligations due to force majeure against Passenger / Client can meet, Passenger / Client can terminate agreement. in that case the carrier will pass through the Passenger / Client prepayments repay as soon as possible. 2. In the event of force majeure, Passenger / Client is not entitled to compensation, subject to article 6:78 of the Civil Code. ARTICLE 12 - LIABILITY OF CARRIER 1. death or injury Carrier is liable for the damage caused by the Passenger as a result of an accident in connection with and during the transport passenger. Carrier is not liable if the accident is caused by circumstances which a careful Carrier has not avoid and which Carrier was unable to impact obstruct. The compensation carrier in specified circumstances possibly due, legally limited to € 1 million per passenger with maximum of € 15 million per occurrence. 2. Carrier is liable for damage caused by full or partial loss or damage to hand luggage, provided this loss or damage occurs during transportation and is caused: a. a happen to Passenger accident on behalf of Carrier coming; or b. a circumstance which may have a carefully Carrier avoid or which Carrier could prevent. The compensation by Carrier is due in case of loss or damage to hand baggage legally limited to an amount of € 1.500, - per Passenger. 3. In case of delay Carrier is legally liable to a maximum of € 1000, -. ARTICLE 13 - LIABILITY FOR TRAVELERS Traveler is required in principle to the Carrier for any damage he or his Hand Luggage Carrier causes, except insofar as this damage is caused by circumstances which could not have avoided a careful and Traveler insofar as a Passenger has not been able to prevent the consequences thereof. traveler can not rely on the quality or a defect in his hand baggage. Also cleaning belong to this article referred to damages. ARTICLE 14 - COMPLAINTS AND DISPUTES 1. Complaints about the conclusion and execution of the Contract of Carriage need to be fully and clearly described submitted to the Carrier within promptly after Passenger / Client has discovered the defects or reasonable grounds to conclude. 2. Carrier endeavors to, in part to prevent disputes, in case of complaints from Passenger seriously and reasonably satisfactory to traveler handle. 3. If the parties can not reach a conclusion, Carrier is the complaining Passenger pointing to the possibility of such a dispute referred to in paragraph 5 said arbitration board to be able to present. 4. the event that he represents Carrier liable for damage, this damage so soon as possible in writing to Carrier. The nature and extent of the damage must then be approximate. 5. Disputes between Passenger / Client and Carrier on the creation or the implementation of agreements with respect to this by Carrier to supply or services provided both by Passenger / Client can as by Carrier shall be submitted to the Dispute Taxi, PO 90600, 2509 LP The Hague. 6. A dispute will only be dealt with by the Disputes Committee, if Passenger / Client has first submitted his complaint to Carrier. 7. Once the complaint has been submitted to Carrier, the dispute within three months after its occurrence in writing to the Disputes Committee to be made. 8. Where Passenger submits a dispute to the Arbitration Board, Carrier bound by this choice. If Carrier will do this, he has to Voyager questions in writing within five weeks whether he agrees to talk is going. Carrier thereby serves to announce that he is following the expiry of aforementioned period will consider quite a dispute to ordinary courts for lay. 9. The arbitration committee shall decide in compliance with the provisions of the regulation applicable. The arbitration committee rules is sent upon request. The decisions of the arbitration committee made by way of binding advice. For the treatment of a dispute is due compensation. 10. Only the Dutch court or the above-mentioned disputes committee has jurisdiction to hear disputes. ARTICLE 15 - GUARANTEE FULFILLMENT 1. KNV Taxi guarantees the fulfillment of the binding advice of the Dispute Taxi by its members unless the member binding advice within two months of its transmission for destruction at the right submit. This guarantee revives if the binding opinion after review by the judge position remains and the verdict demonstrating this, the force of res went. 2. KNV Taxi does not provide a compliance guarantee if, before the dispute by Geschillencommissie Taxivervoer the session has been treated and is in a final decision pointed out one of the following conditions exists: A. Issued to the member's moratorium, or; b. the member is declared bankrupt, or; c. the operations are actually completed. Decisive for the latter situation, the date of the cessation of the Trade registration or an earlier date, which KNV Taxi can make plausible that the operations are actually terminated; 3. The guarantee by KNV Taxi is limited to € 10,000, - a binding opinion. KNC Taxi provides this guarantee provided that the consumer who This guarantee appeals, his claim under the binding advice to The maximum amount paid to KNV Taxi transfers (cedes) simultaneously the remuneration of its appeal to the compliance guarantee. For more KNV Taxi has an obligation to ensure that the member binding opinion comply. This obligation means that the consumer offered his claim to several well at KNV Taxi about wear, and this organization in its own name and at the expense of the KNV Taxi payment thereof in court will ask to meet the consumer or Consumers are offered the KNC Taxi on behalf of the consumer and cost of KNV Taxi will enter the court collection procedure (outside), and a at the discretion of KNV Taxi. ARTICLE 16 - OTHER CONDITIONS 1. KNV Taxi will only modify these Terms in consultation with the Consumers Association. 2. All Transport agreements to which these conditions apply declared are subject to Dutch law. 3. Carrier is obliged to make known to the manner in which Passenger / Client's request can obtain these conditions. 4. These terms and conditions are public and available on the Internet under more www.knv.nl, and also request free of charge from the carrier.